Thursday, May 17, 2018

Is Conflict Theory Still Relevant In Today’s Economy?

Conflict theory is an age old phenomenon that some believe still rules culture today. Regardless of opinion, how can one position themselves for success with or without conflict theory? What Is Conflict Theory? Karl Marx first introduced this theory about society. He suggests that society is in a constant state of competition. This is a … Continue reading "Is Conflict Theory Still Relevant In Today’s Economy?"

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What Is Purchasing Power? Is You’re Money Dissapearing?

Imagine if you earned the same salary today but lived in the time of your grandparents. There’s a good chance that you would be the wealthiest person in the neighborhood, but how can this be? Purchasing power explains the difference. What Is Purchasing Power? Purchasing power expresses the amount of goods one is able to … Continue reading "What Is Purchasing Power? Is You’re Money Dissapearing?"

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Tuesday, May 15, 2018

What Is A monopoly market And Do They Exist Today?

A monopolistic market or monopoly market  is significant for several reasons, one being it is so rare. In the past, companies experienced vast profits in such an environment. This all but ended with increased regulation and consumer activist groups. Characteristics Of Monopolistic Markets monopoly markets have one company that offers products or services to its … Continue reading "What Is A monopoly market And Do They Exist Today?"

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How To Use Leverage Ratios In Financial Analysis

A leverage ratio is a simple measure of a company that tells a complex story. One cannot properly evaluate a firm without it. What Is A Leverage Ratio?   A leverage ratio is a expression of a firm’s capital structure. Furthermore, companies either use all debt financing, all equity financing, a mix of both. Choices … Continue reading "How To Use Leverage Ratios In Financial Analysis"

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What Is Inventory Turnover And Should You Be Using It?

A company sells products to its costumers in hopes of turning a profit, this is business 101. However, what if the rate at which a company sells inventory gave analysts a better idea of future earnings? Inventory turnover is a good predictor a company’s success. What Is Inventory Turnover? By definition, inventory turnover shows how … Continue reading "What Is Inventory Turnover And Should You Be Using It?"

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What Does The Gross Profit Margin Tell You?

Like many other financial ratios, gross profit margin helps determine the underlying health of a company. However, this metric has immediate implications for the stock price. What Is Gross Profit Margin? Gross Profit analyzes how efficiently a company produces the goods or services it sells. Furthermore, gross profit margin converts this measure to a ratio. Analysts … Continue reading "What Does The Gross Profit Margin Tell You?"

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Cost Of Capital And What It Means For Investors

New business ventures ultimately grow companies and provide shareholders a return on their investment. For this reason, financing decisions make or break a company’s future. This article discusses cost of capital and how the metric aids in the decision making process. What Is Cost Of Capital? Management makes financing decisions based on the growth opportunities. … Continue reading "Cost Of Capital And What It Means For Investors"

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Why Is The Cost Of Goods Sold So Important?

Many individuals start businesses, however, few achieve profitability. Many costs exists in starting and maintaining operations. The cost of goods sold (COGS) is among the most important measurement of successful businesses. What Is Cost Of Goods Sold? Cost of goods sold measures the costs associated with purchasing or manufacturing materials that a company uses for … Continue reading "Why Is The Cost Of Goods Sold So Important?"

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Here’s Why You Need To Care About Gross Profit

Gross profit is among the most closely watched measures by analysts. This calculation shows a company’s potential for future growth. What Is Gross Profit? This number appears on the company’s income statement at the very top. It shows interested parties how much it costs a company to produce the goods or services it sells.  Shown … Continue reading "Here’s Why You Need To Care About Gross Profit"

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What Exactly Is The Net Income Formula?

Measuring the financial condition of a company comes in a variety of ways. Net income is the final item on the income statement. Additionally, the net income formula produces that number and shows each line item. What Is The Net Income Formula? First of all, net income is a businesses earnings after subtracting expenses such … Continue reading "What Exactly Is The Net Income Formula?"

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What The Heck Is Gross Income Anyways?

Receiving a paycheck is great, but how does one measure their salary income versus what they take home? Gross income explains discrepancies and why they exist. What Is Gross Income? Some refer to this measure as gross pay, or pre-tax income. Additionally, other deductions are left out of this amount. Gross income determines the beginning … Continue reading "What The Heck Is Gross Income Anyways?"

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Here’s How To Use Weighted Average Cost Of Capital (WACC)

The weighted average cost of capital (WACC) is an umbrella measure of risk, valuation, and expected return. Often misunderstood, this valuable metric provides tremendous insight into a company. What Is The Weighted Average Cost Of Capital? Cost of capital is a metric by which investors measure the opportunity cost of their money. Management must provide … Continue reading "Here’s How To Use Weighted Average Cost Of Capital (WACC)"

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How Does A Proxy Vote Impact Shareholders?

Individuals own stock for a variety of reasons, most notably to accumulate wealth. Owning stock gives investors partial ownership of a company, which comes with responsibility. One of these responsibilities is voting at shareholder meetings, however, many choose a proxy vote. What Is A Proxy Vote? Companies hold annual shareholder meetings in order to give … Continue reading "How Does A Proxy Vote Impact Shareholders?"

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Wednesday, May 2, 2018

What Does Shareholder’s Equity Mean?

Shareholder’s Equity (SE) is a financial metric used by analysts to determine the health of a company. Accountants estimate the value of the company if it liquidated and paid debts today using this measure. Also, let’s take a look at how investors and analysts use this metric. What Does Shareholder’s Equity Mean What is the … Continue reading "What Does Shareholder’s Equity Mean?"

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Explaining The 10-K Report – What You Need To Know

Sophisticated investors know their way around the 10-K report. It is a document released annually by companies to shareholders. Furthermore, the format is typically uniform, as it is a required submission. Next, we discuss the highlights and how to navigate such a large and comprehensive report. What Is The 10-K The deadline for submission of … Continue reading "Explaining The 10-K Report – What You Need To Know"

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Tuesday, May 1, 2018

What Does Pattern Day Trader Mean?

Pattern Day Trader is a FINRA designation for participants in the stock market. The regulatory body differentiates frequent trading activities by professionals apart from those whom participate as a hobby. This designation protects unsophisticated investors from themselves. Furthermore, it ensures the integrity of trading, separating it from gambling. Pattern Day Trader Defined This rule applies … Continue reading "What Does Pattern Day Trader Mean?"

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What Is ATR And How Do Traders Use It?

Financial instruments have personalities. Not in the sense that they are humble or funny, but rather the way they move. ATR or average true range tells traders what to expect when trading these instruments. Consider it a rap sheet for the instruments recent behavior. ATR Defined ATR stands for Average True Range, or Average Trading … Continue reading "What Is ATR And How Do Traders Use It?"

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What Is An IRA And Should You Have One?

IRA stands for Individual Retirement Account and is a way for investors to save for retirement in a tax efficient way. Many different tools for retirement saving exist. It is paramount that investors choose the right one for them personally. IRA Explained For example, two popular types of IRAs include Traditional IRAs and Roth IRAs. … Continue reading "What Is An IRA And Should You Have One?"

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What Makes FANG Stocks So Popular?

It is no secret that stocks rise in bull markets. However, anyone tracking indexes achieves market returns. The true alpha comes from investing in market out-performers. It just so happens that the acronym for market leaders in this bull market is FANG (Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, Google). FANG Explained The best traders advise being long strong … Continue reading "What Makes FANG Stocks So Popular?"

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